What are Himalaya Salt Lamps or Himalayan Salt Lamps?


Himalayan Salt Lamp Exporters from Pakistan, Himalayan Salt Lamp, Himalaya Salt Lamps, Himalaya Salt Lamp,

What are Himalaya Salt Lamps or Himalayan Salt Lamps?


Himalaya Salt lamps or Himalayan salt lamps are very unusual and decorative, improving your interior decor and your well-being.  To buy best quality and competitive prices of Himalaya salt lamp exporters from Pakistan contact Unique Minerals.

HIMALAYA salt lamps, what is it?

Himalayan Salt Lamp Exporters from Pakistan, Himalayan Salt Lamp, Himalaya Salt Lamps, Himalaya Salt Lamp,
Himalayan Salt Lamp Exporters from Pakistan, Himalayan Salt Lamp, Himalaya Salt Lamps, Himalaya Salt Lamp,

These are large pieces of salt from the Himalayas that have been cut from food grade salt crystals to fit the light bulb inside. They can also be in the form of candle sticks or candle holders.

Why do Himalaya Salt Lamps or Himalayan Salt Lamps work?

Salt crystals, associated with the light source of the lamp in the lamp, produce negative ions. This neutralizes positive ions in the air transported by molds, allergens and bacteria. This helps to purify the air in the room.

What are the positive problems of IONS?

Positive ions are produced by the electronic equipment of our home. All kinds of problems and diseases, such as allergic reactions, can cause increased stress and insomnia levels. Negative ions produced by lamps neutralize these problems.

Benefits for the health Himalaya Salt Lamps or Himalayan Salt Lamps

Negative ions produced by salt lamps from the Himalayas can provide protection against germs in the suspension system, preventing the development of cough, thirst and irritation of the larynx. Following is list of benefits of Health from Himalaya Salts Lamp helps decrease:

Himalayan Salt Lamp Exporters from Pakistan, Himalayan Salt Lamp, Himalaya Salt Lamps, Himalaya Salt Lamp,

  • Respiratory problems
  • Allergic reactions
  • Skin problems
  • insomnia
  • Psychological problems
  • Migraine headaches
  • rheumatism
  • Disorders of the vascular system
  • Himalayan salt bulbs have a positive effect on meditation and encourage relaxation while improving air quality.

How to get the best results from HIMALAYA salt lamps

Pyramid shape salt lamp, Himalayan Salt Lamp Exporters from Pakistan, Himalayan Salt Lamp, Himalaya Salt Lamps, Himalaya Salt Lamp,

The ideal is to put a lamp on your computer, such as computers, mobile phones, wifi terminals, and so on.
Make sure that any lamp you choose is the true Himalayan salt lamp and not a cheap alternative because rock salt lamps will not produce the same health benefits.
The probe proves that the salt glass salt lamp is a natural source of ions

How it works?

Crystal salt lamps have the same ionizing effect. However, ionizing crystalline salt lamp can not be compared with a device of this type, because it has a positive effect only. Crystal salt lamps have many advantages in many ways and improve room atmosphere.
If the lamp is placed near a television or computer, its effect, due to the electromagnetic field of the device, ranges from about 100 to 160 Hz, and our brain waves produce only 8 Hz according to Schuman repetition. As a result, the body undergoes frequencies more than 20 times higher than normal. This exposure leads to nervousness, insomnia, lack of concentration or weakness. In addition, the body will absorb more free radicals, known as the source of cancer.

The crystalline salt lamp produces negative ions that neutralize the surplus of positive ions. When the lamp is hot, it absorbs moisture and moistens the glass on the surface. This creates the ionic field. Thanks to the lamp, the atmosphere of the room charged with positive ions can be neutralized.
You should also learn that the colors of the salt crystals have a calming effect. Colored crystals act therapeutically on the skin as they help to regenerate the epidermis layer.
The tests conducted on children with ADHD showed that their symptoms decreased after exposure to bristly crystal lamps for one week, but returned as soon as the lamps were removed. Contact Unique Minerals for bulk order who are salt lamp exporters from Pakistan

Scientific research on Himalayan Salt Lamps and its benefits

It is now recognized that, as a result of scientific and experimental research, salt crystal lamps have biophysical characteristics that positively affect our safety. From a scientific point of view, come into play three natural principles: ionization, electromagnetic oscillation and transparent crystal structure, the source of light.
Before putting in detail the characteristics of salt crystal lamps mentioned above, we would like to emphasize that salt is an essential element, such as water, air, natural minerals and trace elements have unique biochemical and biochemical properties.

Salt Inhaler with Salt Jar, Himalayan Salt Lamp Exporters from Pakistan, Himalayan Salt Lamp, Himalaya Salt Lamps, Himalaya Salt Lamp,
Salt Inhaler with Salt Jar, Himalayan Salt Lamp Exporters from Pakistan, Himalayan Salt Lamp, Himalaya Salt Lamps, Himalaya Salt Lamp,

Himalaya Salt must be considered neutral, either chemically or physically, without its own polarity, which is permanent and neutral. Like our native land, humans make up 70% of water, especially salt water. This saline water has tremendous potential because it transmits energy from cosmic oscillation (vibration), not only planets, but also deep into our nerves and cells. Not only salt, from a chemical point of view, is what the body needs to keep all vital functions, but salt from the point of view of biophysics.

Himalaya salts and ionization:

Worldwide, laboratory tests using different measurement methods have shown that luminous salt crystal lamps emit ions in our environment. The search mainly shows an increase in the number of negative ions. The emission of ions is mainly due to the salt’s ability to absorb the water first and evaporate it, instead.
More precisely, the heated salt crystal attracts on the surface of water molecules in the surrounding air. Salt is converted to solution when mixed with water molecules. Sodium, positively charged ion and chloride, negatively charged ion, return to each other and return to the atmosphere.
The interrelationship between this ion emission is possible only with mineral salt, because this salt only has this ability to switch with water due to its atomic neutral structure.

Where to Buy Himalaya Salt Lamps??

Unique Minerals is Pakistan’s leading manufacturer and exporters of all types of Himalaya salt products. You can buy from Himalaya salt lamps in different designs, sizes and quantity at affordable prices with complete quality and through one window operations from your order to your warehouse within days.
Contact Unique Minerals for Himalaya Salt Lamps as we are Himalaya salt lamp exporters from Pakistan.



Colorful Himalyan Salt Lamps Pakistan

Colors from Himalayan salt lamps Pakistan their effect on our body and our heart

Himalayan salt lamps Pakistan have the ability to clean the air. Depending on the size and surface of the salt used in the manufacture of the Himalayan salt lamps Pakistan, the surrounding air is purified by the hydrogen and oxygen conversion cycle, as well as sodium ions and chlorides. This feature is especially useful in relieving symptoms associated with asthma and allergies in general.
Scientific research over the past decade has clearly shown that the proportion of ions balanced with a slight increase of negative ions can have very positive effects on our health and overall fitness. According to research, hot crystal Himalaya salt lamps can be compared with natural ions sources.

Colorful Himalyan Salt Lamps Pakistan
Colorful Himalayan Salt Lamps Pakistan

However, it should be emphasized that the emission of ions produced by these lamps should not be considered the main property, because, from a scientific point of view, the surplus of negative ions is insignificant.

The search for clean air or cleaning properties is based on the work of crystal salt lamps on medical treatment called “speleotherapy” which involves taking a patient to an underground salt mine for this purpose. Exposure to concentrated atmosphere in negative ions.
No further scientific research has been conducted yet under medical supervision because it is still in its infancy. The therapeutic effect of a simple salt crystal lamp cannot be compared to the observed effects of the Himalayan salt lamps under medical supervision. However, there are some positive and comprehensive self-healing outcomes that can be classified as self-scientific and must be recognized and considered.

Himalayan salt lamps Pakistan and electromagnetic drowsiness

Unique Minerals Salt Exhibition JICA Tokyo JapanThe electromagnetic belt surrounds the earth and inside this belt, all forms of life come and go. As a result, all forms of life on the planet depend on the strength of this field of electromagnetic vibration, known as Schuman resonance frequency. This frequency proves that the frequency of this electromagnetic field is 7.83 Hz (cycles) per second. This value is recognized as the resonance of our Earth. Is a frequency scale that is most often applied to mammals and can be found in the brain during brain planning.
The crystallization of salt, in its normal state, refers to the exact value of this vibration frequency. But due to our industrialization and mechanization of life, especially in our homes and offices, the human being is influenced by wavelengths in different frequency values due to electronic devices.

It has been shown that these frequencies not only disturb our body but also cause diseases, because they constantly invade our natural resonance. As a result of this continuous exposure to different frequencies, our electromagnetic field becomes saturated, which changes the evolution of our cells.
Due to the atomic structure of the salt, which is already neutral, the synthetic frequencies are more likely to be harmonized or balanced by the illuminated salt lamp, acting as a natural amplifier for the resonance frequency from 8 to 10 cycles per second. The second necessity of our lives.
Using a crystalline Himalayan salt lamps from Pakistan salt lamp, we can naturally regulate and neutralize electromagnetic wavelengths emitted from electronic devices.

Effect of colors on our body and our heart:

  • Orange: Provides a sense of security and is beneficial to our nervous system and mind. Stimulates the kidneys and bladder.
  • Yellow: Enhances mental understanding and stimulates pancreas, liver and gallbladder.
  • Red: Strengthens vital strength and stimulates heart and circulatory system.
  • Rose: Supports the sense of belonging and love and opens our emotional body.
  • White – has the effect of cleansing and detoxification which is soothing.
  • Brown – Help to find your balance and enhance a realistic personality.

Light crystal lamps and light waves:

Himalayan USB LampWhen we talk about light, we believe, mostly in the energy field of vibrations or electromagnetic waves found in the visible nanometer range of the human eye. In color therapy, it is recognized that the human body needs light waves from the spectrum of the rainbow (300-700 nm) to maintain its health and body.
The cells of the body receive light using new energy in the form of electromagnetic wavelengths. Therefore, the atomic composition of each individual cell vibrates in a clearly defined order, and can emit vital photons as a specific electromagnetic field of the cell.
The special vibrational values of the brine crystal lamps depend on the color structure of the crystal in a range of warm clay grades ranging from 600 to 700 nm. For decades, the drug has used monochromatic light rays, while vibrations of color have a direct effect on the functions produced by our cells.
How can a crystal salt lamp be used as a natural radiotherapy? This remains to be seen in subsequent investigations. However, crystal salt lamps have been used for therapeutic purposes for years.

Where to Buy Himalaya Salt Lamps??

Himilayan Salt Lamps Pakistan
Himilayan Salt Lamps

Unique Minerals is Pakistan’s leading manufacturer and exporters of all types of Himalaya salt products. You can buy from Himalaya salt lamps in different designs, sizes and quantity at affordable prices with complete quality and through one window operations from your order to your warehouse within days.
Contact Unique Minerals for Himalaya Salt Lamps as we are Himalaya salt lamp exporters from Pakistan.